Custom component properties
Learn using the CLI hooks to add custom component properties to your scan data.
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Learn using the CLI hooks to add custom component properties to your scan data.
Last updated
Omlet provides built-in component properties in analysis, such as file path, component name, and package name. Along with these properties, you can also add your custom properties to components.
This helps you define and track custom usage metrics and automatically apply tags based on different rules and attributes — giving you a more accurate view of how components are being used across your entire organization.
By adding custom properties, you can:
Automatically tag and track components based on their category, such as Icons or Pages
Automatically tag and track components that are, or should be, deprecated
Identify all the components created by a particular product team or user
Find components that have missing documentation or tests
Differentiate visual vs. non-visual components
Track package versions used across your projects
Continue with learning more about CLI hooks to add custom properties to components: