Mapping aliases

Make sure to create the .omletrc file in the root directory of your repository before getting started.

If you have alias set up in a tsconfig file or a bundler such as Webpack, Vite, or Babel, Omlet may have trouble resolving import paths from aliases out of the box. Omlet can resolve them if you define these aliases in the config file.

If you have a tsconfig file already, you can simply point to it using the tsconfigPath field:

  "tsconfigPath": "tsconfig.frontend.json"

If you have alias setup in a bundler, you can define mapping between your aliases and paths in the aliases field:

  "aliases": {
    "@components/*": ["src/components/*"],
    "@icons": ["src/icons/index.tsx"]

If your project is a monorepo with multiple packages, you can define package-specific aliases configurations using the workspaces field. Such as:

  "workspaces": {
    "@acme/design-system": {
      "aliases": {
        "@components/*": ["src/components/*"],
        "@icons": ["src/icons/index.tsx"]

You can check the Config file documentation to learn more about the aliases property.

Last updated